For handicapped homeowners in Narragansett, RI, bathing can be difficult and unsafe. Thankfully, with Home Mobility Pros, a walk-in bathtub can provide a safer, more convenient solution. Walk-in bathtubs are specially designed tubs with a swing-out door that allows entry without the need to step over the side of the tub. Today, we will discuss the benefits of walk-in bathtubs and why you should consider installing one in your home.


The first and most important benefit of a walk-in bathtub is the safety it provides. Traditional bathtubs can be difficult to get in and out of and pose a risk of slipping and falling. With a walk-in bathtub, you can enter and exit the tub without having to climb over the side. The tub also comes equipped with safety features such as grab bars and non-slip surfaces. This means that you can relax and enjoy a bath without worrying about your safety.


For many handicap homeowners, maintaining independence is essential. A walk-in bathtub can provide you with the independence you need. With the ease of access and other safety features, you can bathe independently without the need for assistance from family or healthcare providers. You can enjoy the privacy of your own home while still being able to take care of yourself.

Health and Wellness

Bathing in a walk-in bathtub is not just convenient, it has health benefits as well. Hydrotherapy, which involves the use of water for pain relief, is a common therapy used for various ailments such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other chronic pain conditions. Walk-in bathtubs come equipped with jets that provide therapeutic massage, helping to alleviate these conditions. Additionally, having a walk-in bathtub in your home can reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Ease of installation

One of the concerns that many homeowners have about installing a walk-in bathtub is the installation process. Home Mobility Pros can install a walk-in bathtub in as little as one day, making the process hassle-free. We also offer a variety of customization options to ensure that your walk-in bathtub meets your specific needs.


Lastly, walk-in bathtubs are a cost-effective solution for handicapped homeowners. In addition to providing safety, independence, and health benefits, walk-in bathtubs can also add value to your home. They can be an attractive feature for potential buyers if you plan to sell your home in the future.

Walk In Bathtub in Narragansett RI

A walk-in bathtub is an excellent investment for handicapped homeowners. It provides safety, independence, health benefits, ease of installation, and is cost-effective. Home Mobility Pros is committed to providing Narragansett, RI, homeowners with the best in walk-in bathtubs. Browse our website to learn more about our products and services. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start experiencing the benefits of a walk-in bathtub!