As we age, our homes may need to be adapted to accommodate changes in our mobility, vision, and other physical abilities. For those who are aging or have a disability, safety within the home is a primary concern. As a Rhode Island handicapped homeowner, there are steps you can take to ensure that your home is safe and comfortable. This home safety checklist will help you identify potential hazards and make changes to reduce the risk of accidents.


Adequate lighting is essential for preventing falls. You should ensure that every room has good lighting by installing bright bulbs and replacing any broken fixtures. A night light in the hallway and bathroom can also help you navigate the home more safely at night.

Kitchen Safety

The kitchen is one of the most dangerous areas of the home, especially for older adults. Make sure you have smoke detectors installed and change the batteries regularly. Place fire extinguishers within easy reach and keep them in good working order. Keep knives and sharp objects stored away and avoid using appliances that require a lot of reaching and twisting.

Bathroom Safety

The bathroom is another area where accidents are common. Install grab bars in the shower and by the toilet to provide support when standing or sitting. Place non-slip mats on the floor of the shower and bath to reduce the risk of falls. Consider replacing the bathtub with a walk-in shower or installing a bath lift to make it easier to get in and out of the bathtub.

Bedroom Safety

Your bedroom should be a haven of comfort and safety. Consider installing a bed rail to prevent falls and place a lamp or other light source within reach of the bed. Use a nightlight in the hallway or bathroom to help you navigate the home at night. If possible, avoid using extension cords and make sure the cords of any electrical items are tucked away.

General Safety

There are many simple steps you can take to improve overall safety in your home. Keep walkways and stairs clear of clutter and make sure rugs are secured to the floor. Place smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home and change the batteries regularly. Install handrails on both sides of stairs to provide support and consider using a mobility aid such as a cane or walker to prevent falls.

Home Safety Checklist for Older Adults

As a Rhode Island handicapped homeowner, safety within your home is paramount. By doing a thorough safety check of your home and making necessary adjustments, you can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Being proactive about home safety can help you maintain independence and comfort as you age. We hope this home safety checklist has been helpful and encourages you to take action to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Home Mobility Pros is dedicated to helping seniors and individuals with disabilities create safe and accessible homes. Contact us for more information on home modifications or assistance with creating a home safety plan. Remember, it’s never too late to make your home a safer place for living and aging.