
21 11, 2023

Choosing the Right Stairlift for Your Home

By |November 21st, 2023|Tips|

As a Rhode Island handicapped homeowner, living with disabilities can be challenging, especially when navigating stairs. Fortunately, stair lifts have become a popular and practical solution for enhancing mobility around the home. However, with various options available in the market, choosing the right stair

12 11, 2023

Home Safety Checklist for Older Adults

By |November 12th, 2023|Tips|

As we age, our homes may need to be adapted to accommodate changes in our mobility, vision, and other physical abilities. For those who are aging or have a disability, safety within the home is a primary concern. As a Rhode Island handicapped homeowner,

12 08, 2023

Grab Bars for Different Stages of Life

By |August 12th, 2023|Tips|

As we age, we may start to experience a decline in our physical abilities, which can make daily activities like showering, getting out of bed, or using the bathroom difficult. However, with the help of grab bars, we can maintain our independence and continue

10 05, 2023

How to Design a Wheelchair Accessible Kitchen

By |May 10th, 2023|Tips|

A wheelchair accessible kitchen is designed to make meal preparation and cooking easier for people with disabilities or limited mobility. The kitchen should be spacious enough for a wheelchair user to move around, have appropriate height countertops and cabinets, and be equipped with easy-to-use

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