Home Mobility Pros

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So far Home Mobility Pros has created 165 blog entries.
1 04, 2023

Slip-Resistant Flooring

By |April 1st, 2023|FAQ|

Slip and fall accidents can happen in any home, but they are particularly dangerous for those with mobility challenges or other disabilities. Slip-resistant flooring is one way to reduce the risk of falls and make your home more accessible. In this article, we will

22 01, 2023

Why You Need Grab Bars

By |January 22nd, 2023|FAQ|

 Grab bars are safety devices designed to enable a person to maintain balance, lessen fatigue while standing, hold some of their weight while maneuvering or have something to grab onto in case of a slip or fall. A caregiver may use a grab bar

10 01, 2023

What is Barrier Free Living?

By |January 10th, 2023|FAQ|

Barrier free living is residential space designed to be functional for everyone, regardless of age, size, or level of ability. By eliminating common barriers found in typical home designs, barrier free homes are accessible, adaptable, and inclusive to more people. Why Barrier Free Living?

1 01, 2023

Accessible Home Renovation Ideas

By |January 1st, 2023|Tips|

Renovating a home to make it more appropriate for people with disabilities is a multi-tier process. If you want to adapt your home in the best way possible, you’ll need a comprehensive approach. Depending on the condition of the person who will be living

2 12, 2022

Wheelchair Ramp Advantages

By |December 2nd, 2022|FAQ|

Wheelchair ramps are a common modification made to homes of people with disabilities. These ramps are used to allow people with physical handicaps to more easily move around their home safely, and are a very cost-effective solution for making this possible. Here’s a quick

15 11, 2022

All About ADA Cabinets

By |November 15th, 2022|FAQ|

Keeping your kitchen accessible for individuals with disabilities isn’t a requirement for private homes, but for homeowners who are thinking of renting their home out or have family members that need ADA accessible cabinets and appliances, knowing all the ins and outs of ADA

1 11, 2022

Wheel Chair Ramp FAQs

By |November 1st, 2022|FAQ|

What does it take to install a ramp and will you need assistance? Before beginning on the ramp quote process make sure you understand the undertaking. We highly recommend contacting Home Mobility Pros, who have of the skills to assess what it takes. Here

11 10, 2022

What is the Best Ramp Material?

By |October 11th, 2022|Tips|

If you have determined that you need to have a wheelchair ramp installed at your home or business, you’re probably wondering which type of ramp material is best. The four types of materials typically used to construct wheelchair ramps include wood, concrete, steel, and

7 10, 2022

How Do Walk In Baths Work?

By |October 7th, 2022|FAQ|

A walk-in bath is, in some respects, as familiar as a standard bath, but will always raise questions when people consider having one fitted. Here are our answers to some of the questions about walk-in baths we hear every day: 1) How high is

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